Unfortunately I'm doing this project at 9:30am on Friday in the Pub.. which means there isn't too much action going on. But after class yesterday I had the first cast of NewsWatch all day (which gave my probably the worst migraine I've experienced in a long time), so it's the only time I have available before class. There's still enough people to analyze, and maybe it's better with this not-so-busy crowd, since qualitative research usually is in smaller groups anyways.
My mind is having a hard time not thinking quantitatively though.. I was too quick to count how many are female (eleven) and how many are male (twelve), plus or minus a few who walk in and out. Or how many girls have their hair in pony tails (six). But maybe that's ok to do that too? There is a post in view of the corner of my right eye and I keep wanting to crane my neck around it to see the one back right corner I'm missing, but I'm trying not to look like I'm staring at people. But really anywhere you sit in the Pub there's going to be a post somewhere and I think I've got a good view over all.
Right now, most people are sitting by themselves, although a couple tables have people in twos. There is one group of four of people who work in the food court. A girl's giving a small tour right this second, to two older men and what looks to be a daughter each. A bunch of people have all looked over, she's the only really loud noise in the room. Pretty boring over all though. The traffic is starting to pick up as it approaches 9:45. Lots of people with bookbags. LaVincita has been pretty busy the whole time, but people don't seem to be sticking around with their food. I've seen a few people I recognize. Ithaca's like that- there's usually a few people you always recognize in any given group any where on campus, but there's plenty of new faces too. I like that about this place.. it's small enough to be cozy, but room enough to meet new people everywhere. Although the cliquishness is a feature I hate, but that's another topic. The group of food court workers has left. There's about 27 people now, which sounds small still, but with the pretty steady flow of people in the pathways it's really starting to pick up. Nothing like lunch time. I think a lot of people are still trying to do homework rather than the mealtime activities of eating and socializing. People seem to be wearing mostly lightweight long sleeves, although a few girls are still holding out and wearing tank tops. I guess it's a bit warmer than yesterday, which in Ithaca always makes people go crazy. The area I'm sitting in has been filling up: there's only about seven empty tables out of eighteen, but most are still just one to a table with the exception of a pair of girls to my right. Who are talking a lot. Pretty much the only people who are walking into the Pub from the main walkway are heading straight to LaVincita. The TV's on ESPN but I don't seem to see a single person watching. I think it's more there just for picture-white-noise. The largest group now is a group of three. There's about 32 people now. One just joined the group of three, bring it to four. Two people are on the phone. I'm starting to run out of things to think to look for. Two more people just sat at a table next to me. They know the table of that one pair of loud girls, but I think they have their own business to take care of. Almost everyone who walks by on the main path tends to look into the pub.. I wonder what they're thinking.. maybe to see if they know someone, maybe thinking if they too should get some food or a coffee from LaVincita.. I know those are the things I tend to think when I walk by the pub. The smell of coffee is really getting to me now, even though I don't like to drink it. I may have to grab a snack. I wonder how many other people who are doing their homework right by me are wondering the same thing. I really like to get into people's minds, apparently. There's a loud group of professors/staff standing in the back left corner behind me who are really loud and distracting. But ok, they just broke up. There's about 17 people in LaVincita, about 43 now in the main Pub. And it's starting to seem more regular that the people who leave LaVincita are finding seats in the main Pub area instead of just walking through. Everyone seems to say "HEYYY!" really loudly before they sit down. The general noise level is up a bit from the last 45 minutes, but it still allowed for concentration. Movement has come to a lull now for the minute. I'm seriously going to need some french fries when the food court opens in 12 minutes.. the smells have just been too tempting. Actually this food craving is starting to take over my brain and making it hard to concentrate on people. Numbers have actually dropped to 38 now with only about four in LaVincita. The food court people are sticking food in the coolers (that one's not a hunger related observation). I wonder what the differance in their shirt colors mean, becase I'm sure they signify something. One is in a dark blue collared shirt, I feel that one's more in charge of the stocking and that type of work. There's two in white shirts with the dark aprons and one in a light blue shirt and dark apron. Interesting. Something I didn't notice until just now: all the 18 other people who are sitting in this section with me right now are all white. I didn't notice this fact until a little Asian girl just walked in. I can't completely tell about the people in the farther section, but they look to have a variety of ethnicities. I doubt this geographic separation is anything but coincidence, but it's true that IC largely is a white shcool. There's fewer people sitting along now, with the majority at least in pairs.
Ahhh it's 10:30 and the food court is opening..