Second Life Play
So, I've played Second Life most of the weekend and it's given me mixed emotions. On one hand, I love playing dress up - which is mostly what I've been doing - but on the other hand I largely feel like that's the only thing to do, and that once I've exhausted most of the main shopping areas that I'll be bored. I realize there's probably more stores and boutiques than I can imagine, but I feel it'll get old after while.
And I'm reluctant to talk to some of the people around me. Random IMs and hellos seem awkward to me, and for some reason I can't help but think.. I dunno. I've tried to make myself talk to a few, and one was a very nice veteran player who was making a card for new people about all the free shopping areas.
That's when I got started on my huge shopping expedition. I bought five dollars worth of Linden money, which was like near 2000LD. I went to some really cute boutiques, including an imitation American Eagle Outfitters store called Nylon Outfitters where I actually got a shirt that is an exact copy of a shirt I actually own. Hah. I don't really like using other people's skins though for some reason, maybe I would like them more if I could modify them slightly. I found a few good hair styles but most of the ones I've seen are these out-of-reality volumptuous boufant porno hairstyles.
The assignment we were given to try to look as close to ourselves as possible is proving to be quite a challenge when it seems most of the styles in the game are unrealistic. But I did give myself some little love handles despite my secret wishes to have the perfect fake body like a lot of the other people.
Oh, another problem: MANY CRASHES. And a lot of waiting time when things get stuck and all you can do is wait it out. I realize why it happens, usually due to a highly populated areas, but still it makes for a very annoying playing experience.

I did try my hand at bingo though, after I spent all that money shopping. Didn't win anything, however. Still an interesting experience.
Ok, that's all for now. Until next time.
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