My adventures in Limantour 108, 100, 23 - Tierra del Suenos Reve & Misty's Love Nest.

I found this place while trying to teleport to a store, and I ended up spending the rest of my play time there tonight. Here is where I first found myself. I played with a few (ok, a LOT) pose balls and here are some of the PG rated ones I found.

How pretty! All multifaceted textures. I made this little cylinder to sit on, so I could take a picture.

These were taken near the hot tub... :P

I explored the huge a house a little, and went around to the other side where I discovered almost a whole other universe--a huge pool, waterslide, a bar, a dance floor, more pose balls... So of course I took a billion more pictures, but it's taken too long to post these already. Also the owner, Reve, came out to talk to me and told me they had built this all themselves. Incredible. I thought I had saved the convo, but I think I didn't. He didn't seem upset at all that I was "trespassing," as he probably would have in real life. Ok, I am le tired.
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